WHAT WE DO Technology Development

Advancing Ideas into Reality

To bring a biomedical technology out of the academic lab and into the hands of patients takes an extraordinary amount of time and resources. And more often than not, these technological innovations fall into the “valley of death,” because of a lack of support. We are working to provide the necessary resources products need to bridge that valley and accelerate the time it takes to advance an invention into a product that can help patients.

Technology development is a significant focus of our resources, and we strive to connect emerging technologies to funding, strategic guidance, and collaborations.

Applied Research and Development Program

The Applied Research and Development (ARAD) Program is designed to help bridge the gap between the early-stage technology discovery and development capabilities of the academic community and the later-stage commercial development interests of the bioscience industry. The program currently provides matching funds on a competitive basis to support collaborations between Stony Brook University faculty and NY State corporate partners in all areas of medical biotechnology. These areas include research technologies, diagnostics, therapeutics and medical devices. The primary interest is in supporting development of technologies that will help companies hit commercially relevant milestones, and that have the potential to positively impact the New York State economy.

Summary of Program Objectives
  • Facilitate collaborative relationships between NYS companies and faculty.
  • Accelerate the development of commercially promising technologies.
  • Work collaboratively with faculty and NYS bioscience companies to develop experimental protocols that will add value to intellectual property that has the potential to generate economic impact in New York State.
  • Assist in moving these technologies down a commercial pathway by participating in the development of commercialization strategies, facilitating financing opportunities, facilitating out-licensing, and identifying potential commercial partners.

2024 Proposal Submission:

The deadline for receipt of applications is May 15, 2024, 5pm. No exceptions will be made. Applications are accepted and considered on a competitive basis and are subject to the availability of funds. Approval from the Research Foundation Sponsored Programs is not required prior to submission, but will be required if the project is selected for funding. All applications require a letter-of-support from a senior executive of the company confirming their corporate residency in New York State and financial commitment to match-fund the project. Further details are found within the forms pages. A single PDF version of the proposal and letter of support should be submitted to the Center for Biotechnology at  center_for_biotechnology@stonybrook.edu.

ARAD Program Forms:

Technology Commercialization Clinic

The Technology Commercialization Clinic provides business development and strategic planning services, as well as market data, competitive intelligence, intellectual property analyses and actionable recommendations to accelerate technology commercialization efforts. The object of the clinic is to identify and mitigate risks of early stage technology commercialization and to position clients to secure financing, including SBIR/STTR awards, angel investment, and venture. Typical outcomes from the clinic include evaluation of market opportunities, assessment of competitive landscape, Identification of technological advantages, strengthened business plans and investor presentations and improved commercialization strategies.

Technology Commercialization Clinic clients include start-up and emerging bioscience companies, entrepreneurial faculty and technologists, as well as technology transfer offices across NYS. There is no cost to participate in the Technology Commercialization Clinic. 

Any company interested in participating in the Technology Commercialization Clinic, or any Center for Biotechnology program, must complete our intake form here. Once complete, a member of the CFB team will follow up for an intake discussion if appropriate. 

BioPartnering Meetings

In an effort to facilitate industry-academic interactions and research collaborations, we host periodic BioPartnering Meetings between corporate clients and a series of relevant academic faculty at Stony Brook University and other partner institutions. Faculty members are identified to present their research capabilities and technologies to the corporate client under a confidentiality agreement.

Corporate Sponsored Research

Often through our BioPartnerings, we facilitate corporate sponsored research projects. Once a company and faculty member are matched, we can assist in setting up the project and provide significant cost savings through reduced indirect cost rates and other efficiencies.