NYS Matching Grants Leverage Program

NYSTAR reviews and coordinates requests for New York State matching grants and support letters to strengthen applicants’ proposals to federal agencies, foundations, and other grant-making organizations. The purpose of this program is to attract more federal R&D funding to support technology development and commercialization efforts in New York State.

While funding is available, NYSTAR will accept applications monthly with a submission deadline of the 20th. The first Round will have a deadline for application submission of January 20, 2022.

Learn more and apply here: https://esd.ny.gov/matching-grants-leverage-program

Forge the Future: Expanded Pathways for BLUE KNIGHT™ Collaboration

BLUE KNIGHT™, a joint initiative between Johnson & Johnson
Innovation – JLABS (‘JLABS’) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and
Development Authority (BARDA), offers emerging life science companies an
opportunity to join the JLABS incubator ecosystem with additional engagement
from BARDA. BLUE KNIGHT™ companies, selected for their mutual alignment to the
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies’ and BARDA areas of interest, may
also have an opportunity to receive additional support, including fee
assistance and mentorship.

If you are looking to learn more about BLUE KNIGHT™, mutual areas of interest between the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies and BARDA, and what the application process entails, join the Information Session and Fireside Chat on July 22, 2021 at 1:00pm ET. Register and learn more here:


CFB Career Opportunity: Assistant Director for Technology and Business Development

Join our team! The Center for Biotechnology is recruiting an Assistant Director for Technology and Business Development. The Asst. Director for Technology and Business Development will develop and help implement milestone driven commercialization strategies, and provide oversight to Commercialization Associates who have primary responsibility for conducting due diligence to guide and support Center for Biotechnology/LIBH “investments”.

The incumbent will serve as the primary contact with
internal and external parties on issues related to research, technology
development and commercialization, and foster new collaborative relationships
leading to sponsored research agreements and possible strategic alliances with
external partners including bioscience companies and investors. 

Read the full position description and apply via the “stony Brook at work” website: https://stonybrooku.taleo.net/careersection/jobdetail.ftl?job=2101841&lang=en

Questions? Contact Anne DePietri (annette.depietri@stonybrook.edu) at the Center for Biotechnology.

BARDA RFI/CALL for Technologies

BARDA DRIVe is seeking information on technologies that are relevant to AI for automated biomedical image acquisition and AI for automated biomedical image interpretation, with a focus on reducing the burden on clinical, technician, and care staff in any setting. If you can provide insight on any of the items listed below, please contact Phuong Nguyen (phuong.t.nguyen@stonybrook.edu) by June 8, 2021.

This request encompass all stages of development from early research/academic labs through start up and late commercialization: They are more interested in technical rather than any particular stage of development, thus the focus is not just on the commercial sector but also on the work being conducted at academic/research/medical/FFRDC organizations. This can be an AI solution applied to existing imaging infrastructure, or new imaging devices. This AI and imaging combination should provide new value propositions, form factors, or use cases that are only possible with integration of AI.

Specific areas and use cases of interest include but are not limited to:
– Automated biomedical image interpretation, primarily in ultrasound, computer tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
– Approaches to automated interpretation of optical and x-ray images are of interest, but of secondary priority.
– AI-based diagnostic image acquisition and image interpretation in emergency medical services (EMSs) and in surgical settings to accurately assess the severity of a patient’s medical condition, e.g. the location of an internal hemorrhage or the location of a broken bone, torn ligament or other injury.
– AI-based automated image reconstruction.
– AI-based automated analysis of cancer screening images (e.g. mammograms)
– AI-assisted image guidance for placement of medical devices, e.g. catheterization
– AI-assisted fluoroscopy

Virtual SBIR/STTR Intensive Workshop – June 15 &16, 2021

Led by experts from BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting, join our live Virtual Classroom for an interactive, 2 day SBIR/STTR workshop. We’ll review the basics including program purpose; eligibility; and sources of funding. Then we’ll provide proposal prep essentials of the NIH, NSF and DOE programs. In addition to up-to-date information on the SBIR/STTR programs, we will cover:

– NIH and NSF grant mechanisms and where to find them

– How to find the program officers, how to approach them, what questions to ask

– How to do research using the web tools available (eReporter, SBIR.gov, etc.)

– Common pitfalls and how to avoid them, and much more.

Workshop registration fee: $25.00. Please register online: https://cfbsbirtrain2021a.eventbrite.com

*Stony Brook University Faculty/Staff/Students may attend workshop at no cost – please contact Kate Hutchinson (kate.hutchinson@stonybrook.edu)  for details. 

Workshop is produced by the Center for Biotechnology at Stony Brook University and in partnership with Columbia Technology Ventures. The Center for Biotechnology also offers a follow on One-on-One Proposal Counseling program via a competitive application process. Learn more here: https://centerforbiotechnology.org/resources/programs/