Proposal Development Support – SBIR/STTR

The Center for Biotechnology is offering one-on-one SBIR/STTR proposal development counseling and iterative grant writing services to companies – application for next cohort is June 5th!

Companies that have completed our intensive 2-day workshop (or similar program) and/or have previously submitted an unsuccessful SBIR/STTR proposal in the past are eligible to apply. Services provided under this program are awarded through a competitive application process and include a weekly “best practices” proposal development webinar followed by iterative review of section drafts to guide stepwise development of the proposal from start to finish.

Companies selected for this follow-on counseling will be required to contribute $250 and will receive up to 10 hours of iterative proposal development services valued at $2000. These services will be subsidized by the Center for Biotechnology through the Downstate New York SBIR Assistance Program.
Interested companies should apply online no later than June 5, 2020. The application can be found here:

Contact Kate Hutchinson with questions.

Important SBIR/STTR Information Update from NIH

Update courtesy of BBC Entrepreneurial Training and Consulting

NIH is strongly encouraging small businesses to contact the appropriate Institute or Center early in their application planning to ensure their technology is a priority for the Institute/Center.

An updated SBIR/STTR Application Guide with additional instructions for SBIR Direct Phase II application preparation and submission will be posted by November 26, 2018. The following sections of each FOA are changed:

Part 2, Section I. Funding Opportunity Description The following has been added at the end of the section for each FOA:

PA-18-573 The following Components will not accept an SBIR Direct-to-Phase II submission:
– National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
– National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

PA-18-574 The following Components will not accept an SBIR Direct-to-Phase II submission:
– National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS )
– National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
– National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
– Division of Program Coordination, Planning and Strategic Initiatives, Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)
– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (All Components of CDC)
– U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (All Components of FDA)

Part 2, Section II. Award Information for both PA-18-573 and PA-18-574. Application types now allowed are:
– New (Phase I, Fast-Track)
– New (Direct Phase II)
– Renewal (Phase II)
– Resubmission (all phases)
– Phase IIB Competing Renewal (Phase IIB)
– Revision

The OER Glossary and the SF424 (R&R) SBIR/STTR Application Guide provide details on these application types.