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[ID] => 4488
[post_author] => 4
[post_date] => 2024-10-24 10:45:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-24 14:45:00
[post_content] =>
Governor Kathy Hochul has unveiled plans for New York BioGenesis Park, a groundbreaking $430 million Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Innovation Hub in Nassau County, Long Island. To be developed by The Albanese Organization, Inc., this state-of-the-art facility would catalyze CGT research, development, clinical manufacturing, and commercialization across New York State. With a historic $150 million state investment—the largest nationwide for a cell and gene therapy hub—NYBGP would accelerate the delivery of new therapies from lab to patient in New York's diverse communities. This transformative hub aims to establish New York as the leading global destination for CGT innovation, driving economic growth, attracting top talent, and revolutionizing patient care statewide and beyond.
The Center for Biotechnology is thrilled to be counted as a partner in this effort, and is looking forward to working with our colleagues in the initiative to help catalyze and accelerate life-changing therapies.
New York BioGenesis Park is envisioned as a cutting-edge, full-service campus dedicated to advancing cell and gene therapies and accelerating their commercialization. At full build-out, the 700,000-square-foot park would create an end-to-end Cell and Gene Therapy innovation and supply center, featuring interconnected areas for public engagement, research, manufacturing, and collaboration.
A cornerstone of New York BioGenesis Park is its incubator, supported by a $50 million investment from ESD's Long Island Investment Fund. This facility will empower early-stage therapeutic developers by offering state-of-the-art wet lab space, shared equipment, office space, and other essential resources. This nurturing environment will provide Cell and Gene Therapy companies with access to specialized equipment, mentoring, and stage-appropriate financial guidance. As a critical component of New York BioGenesis Park, the incubator is poised to catalyze the growth of promising Cell and Gene Therapy companies by providing them with resources and support, unlocking their potential for innovation and success.
New York BioGenesis Park would foster strong ties with academic and medical institutions throughout New York, creating a robust ecosystem for Cell and Gene Therapy innovation. Collaborating with the Empire State Cellular Therapy Consortium and world-class institutions like Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the Feinstein Institutes, Northwell Health, Roswell Park, Stony Brook University, Weill Cornell, Columbia University and others around the state, New York BioGenesis Park would enhance research synergies and accelerate medical breakthroughs. This ecosystem would bring together experts in advanced Cell and Gene Therapy therapies, offering specialized facilities, services, and resources to both tenants and collaborating institutions. By facilitating cutting-edge science, innovative technology development and novel approaches to clinical trials, New York BioGenesis Park would ensure New York's institutions remain globally competitive in groundbreaking Cell and Gene Therapy research and commercialization.
Read the press release of Governor Hochul's announcement here:
[post_title] => Long Island to be location for Nation-Leading Cell and Gene Therapy Innovation Hub: New York BioGenesis Park.
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_name] => long-island-to-be-location-for-nation-leading-cell-and-gene-therapy-innovation-hub-new-york-biogenesis-park
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[post_modified] => 2025-02-26 16:35:20
[post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-26 21:35:20
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[1] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3555
[post_author] => 3
[post_date] => 2020-06-02 10:59:05
[post_date_gmt] => 2020-06-02 10:59:05
[post_content] => The Center for Biotechnology is offering one-on-one SBIR/STTR proposal development counseling and iterative grant writing services to companies – application for next cohort is June 5th!
Companies that have completed our intensive 2-day workshop (or similar program) and/or have previously submitted an unsuccessful SBIR/STTR proposal in the past are eligible to apply. Services provided under this program are awarded through a competitive application process and include a weekly "best practices" proposal development webinar followed by iterative review of section drafts to guide stepwise development of the proposal from start to finish.
Companies selected for this follow-on counseling will be required to contribute $250 and will receive up to 10 hours of iterative proposal development services valued at $2000. These services will be subsidized by the Center for Biotechnology through the Downstate New York SBIR Assistance Program.
Interested companies should apply online no later than June 5, 2020. The application can be found here: https://forms.gle/5m9kAN8nUnzEyXyi9.
Contact Kate Hutchinson kate.hutchinson@stonybrook.edu with questions.
[post_title] => Proposal Development Support - SBIR/STTR
[post_excerpt] => The Center for Biotechnology is offering one-on-one SBIR/STTR proposal development counseling and iterative grant writing services to companies – application for next cohort is June 5th!
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => open
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[post_password] =>
[post_name] => proposal-support-sbirsttr920
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2024-12-03 15:01:10
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-12-03 20:01:10
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[guid] => https://centerforbiotechnology.org/?p=3555
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[2] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 2836
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2017-09-29 14:45:07
[post_date_gmt] => 2017-09-29 14:45:07
[post_content] => Traverse Biosciences, lead by CFB BioEntrepreneur-in-Residence (B-EIR) Joseph Scaduto, has announced that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has accepted the company into its competitive Commercialization Accelerator Program (CAP).
Hosted in partnership with the Larta Institute, NIH CAP is a 9-month program that is well-regarded for its combination of deep domain expertise and access to industry connections, which have resulted in measurable gains and accomplishments by participating companies. It is open only to NIH SBIR/STTR Phase II awardees, with only 80 slots available each year. The program enables participants to establish market and customer relevance, build commercial relationships, and focus on revenue opportunities available to them.
Last year, Traverse Biosciences announced that it had received a $1.3M Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) award in partnership with the School of Dental Medicine at Stony Brook University. Read the full Traverse Biosciences announcement here.
[post_title] => Traverse Biosciences Accepted into NIH Commercialization Accelerator Program (CAP)
[post_excerpt] => CFB BEIR-led Traverse Biosciences will enter the exclusive 9-month program which enables participants to establish market and customer relevance, build commercial relationships, and focus on revenue opportunities available to them.
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => open
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[post_name] => traverse-biosciences-accepted-into-nih-commercialization-accelerator-program-cap
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[post_modified] => 2018-01-23 14:39:02
[post_modified_gmt] => 2018-01-23 14:39:02
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[3] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3794
[post_author] => 3
[post_date] => 2021-06-15 14:59:52
[post_date_gmt] => 2021-06-15 14:59:52
[post_content] =>
Join our team! The Center for Biotechnology is recruiting an Assistant Director for Technology and Business Development. The Asst. Director for Technology and Business Development will develop and help implement milestone driven commercialization strategies, and provide oversight to Commercialization Associates who have primary responsibility for conducting due diligence to guide and support Center for Biotechnology/LIBH “investments".
The incumbent will serve as the primary contact with
internal and external parties on issues related to research, technology
development and commercialization, and foster new collaborative relationships
leading to sponsored research agreements and possible strategic alliances with
external partners including bioscience companies and investors.
Read the full position description and apply via the “stony Brook at work” website: https://stonybrooku.taleo.net/careersection/jobdetail.ftl?job=2101841&lang=en
Questions? Contact Anne DePietri (annette.depietri@stonybrook.edu) at the Center for Biotechnology.
[post_title] => CFB Career Opportunity: Assistant Director for Technology and Business Development
[post_excerpt] => The CFB is recruiting an Assistant Director for Technology and Business Development.
[post_status] => publish
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[post_name] => cfb-career-opportunity-assistant-director-for-technology-and-business-development
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[post_modified] => 2022-08-22 13:09:32
[post_modified_gmt] => 2022-08-22 13:09:32
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[ID] => 4488
[post_author] => 4
[post_date] => 2024-10-24 10:45:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-24 14:45:00
[post_content] =>
Governor Kathy Hochul has unveiled plans for New York BioGenesis Park, a groundbreaking $430 million Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Innovation Hub in Nassau County, Long Island. To be developed by The Albanese Organization, Inc., this state-of-the-art facility would catalyze CGT research, development, clinical manufacturing, and commercialization across New York State. With a historic $150 million state investment—the largest nationwide for a cell and gene therapy hub—NYBGP would accelerate the delivery of new therapies from lab to patient in New York's diverse communities. This transformative hub aims to establish New York as the leading global destination for CGT innovation, driving economic growth, attracting top talent, and revolutionizing patient care statewide and beyond.
The Center for Biotechnology is thrilled to be counted as a partner in this effort, and is looking forward to working with our colleagues in the initiative to help catalyze and accelerate life-changing therapies.
New York BioGenesis Park is envisioned as a cutting-edge, full-service campus dedicated to advancing cell and gene therapies and accelerating their commercialization. At full build-out, the 700,000-square-foot park would create an end-to-end Cell and Gene Therapy innovation and supply center, featuring interconnected areas for public engagement, research, manufacturing, and collaboration.
A cornerstone of New York BioGenesis Park is its incubator, supported by a $50 million investment from ESD's Long Island Investment Fund. This facility will empower early-stage therapeutic developers by offering state-of-the-art wet lab space, shared equipment, office space, and other essential resources. This nurturing environment will provide Cell and Gene Therapy companies with access to specialized equipment, mentoring, and stage-appropriate financial guidance. As a critical component of New York BioGenesis Park, the incubator is poised to catalyze the growth of promising Cell and Gene Therapy companies by providing them with resources and support, unlocking their potential for innovation and success.
New York BioGenesis Park would foster strong ties with academic and medical institutions throughout New York, creating a robust ecosystem for Cell and Gene Therapy innovation. Collaborating with the Empire State Cellular Therapy Consortium and world-class institutions like Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the Feinstein Institutes, Northwell Health, Roswell Park, Stony Brook University, Weill Cornell, Columbia University and others around the state, New York BioGenesis Park would enhance research synergies and accelerate medical breakthroughs. This ecosystem would bring together experts in advanced Cell and Gene Therapy therapies, offering specialized facilities, services, and resources to both tenants and collaborating institutions. By facilitating cutting-edge science, innovative technology development and novel approaches to clinical trials, New York BioGenesis Park would ensure New York's institutions remain globally competitive in groundbreaking Cell and Gene Therapy research and commercialization.
Read the press release of Governor Hochul's announcement here:
[post_title] => Long Island to be location for Nation-Leading Cell and Gene Therapy Innovation Hub: New York BioGenesis Park.
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[post_name] => long-island-to-be-location-for-nation-leading-cell-and-gene-therapy-innovation-hub-new-york-biogenesis-park
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