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[ID] => 4488
[post_author] => 4
[post_date] => 2024-10-24 10:45:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-24 14:45:00
[post_content] =>
Governor Kathy Hochul has unveiled plans for New York BioGenesis Park, a groundbreaking $430 million Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Innovation Hub in Nassau County, Long Island. To be developed by The Albanese Organization, Inc., this state-of-the-art facility would catalyze CGT research, development, clinical manufacturing, and commercialization across New York State. With a historic $150 million state investment—the largest nationwide for a cell and gene therapy hub—NYBGP would accelerate the delivery of new therapies from lab to patient in New York's diverse communities. This transformative hub aims to establish New York as the leading global destination for CGT innovation, driving economic growth, attracting top talent, and revolutionizing patient care statewide and beyond.
The Center for Biotechnology is thrilled to be counted as a partner in this effort, and is looking forward to working with our colleagues in the initiative to help catalyze and accelerate life-changing therapies.
New York BioGenesis Park is envisioned as a cutting-edge, full-service campus dedicated to advancing cell and gene therapies and accelerating their commercialization. At full build-out, the 700,000-square-foot park would create an end-to-end Cell and Gene Therapy innovation and supply center, featuring interconnected areas for public engagement, research, manufacturing, and collaboration.
A cornerstone of New York BioGenesis Park is its incubator, supported by a $50 million investment from ESD's Long Island Investment Fund. This facility will empower early-stage therapeutic developers by offering state-of-the-art wet lab space, shared equipment, office space, and other essential resources. This nurturing environment will provide Cell and Gene Therapy companies with access to specialized equipment, mentoring, and stage-appropriate financial guidance. As a critical component of New York BioGenesis Park, the incubator is poised to catalyze the growth of promising Cell and Gene Therapy companies by providing them with resources and support, unlocking their potential for innovation and success.
New York BioGenesis Park would foster strong ties with academic and medical institutions throughout New York, creating a robust ecosystem for Cell and Gene Therapy innovation. Collaborating with the Empire State Cellular Therapy Consortium and world-class institutions like Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the Feinstein Institutes, Northwell Health, Roswell Park, Stony Brook University, Weill Cornell, Columbia University and others around the state, New York BioGenesis Park would enhance research synergies and accelerate medical breakthroughs. This ecosystem would bring together experts in advanced Cell and Gene Therapy therapies, offering specialized facilities, services, and resources to both tenants and collaborating institutions. By facilitating cutting-edge science, innovative technology development and novel approaches to clinical trials, New York BioGenesis Park would ensure New York's institutions remain globally competitive in groundbreaking Cell and Gene Therapy research and commercialization.
Read the press release of Governor Hochul's announcement here:
[post_title] => Long Island to be location for Nation-Leading Cell and Gene Therapy Innovation Hub: New York BioGenesis Park.
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_name] => long-island-to-be-location-for-nation-leading-cell-and-gene-therapy-innovation-hub-new-york-biogenesis-park
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[post_modified] => 2025-02-26 16:35:20
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[1] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 2344
[post_author] => 3
[post_date] => 2016-07-14 13:50:02
[post_date_gmt] => 2016-07-14 13:50:02
[post_content] => Traverse Biosciences has announced a collaboration with SUNY Updated Medical University on a $164,689 Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) Discovery Award from the U.S. Department of Defense. The research will be led by Gary Nieman, Associate Professor and Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Surgery and will evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s lead drug candidate, TRB-N0224, to treat acute lung injury, including acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Read more here.
[post_title] => Traverse Biosciences to collaborate with SUNY Upstate Medical University
[post_excerpt] => Traverse Biosciences has announced a collaboration with SUNY Updated Medical University on a Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) Discovery Award from the U.S. Department of Defense.
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[post_modified] => 2016-07-14 13:50:27
[post_modified_gmt] => 2016-07-14 13:50:27
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[guid] => http://centerforbiotechnology.org/?p=2344
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[2] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 2772
[post_author] => 3
[post_date] => 2017-06-28 12:43:31
[post_date_gmt] => 2017-06-28 12:43:31
[post_content] => Call for Papers: The 13th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2017)
November 7 & 8, 2017
The Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT) at Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY, USA
CEWIT2017 is the premier international forum for presentations of original research results as well as the exchange and transfer of innovative, end-to-end solutions, applications, and systems of emerging technologies in infrastructure, healthcare, and energy - three of the most critical components of a smarter global world. Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to, the Internet of Things; Cybersecurity; Big Data Analytics and Visualization; Health Technologies and Medical Devices; Smart Energy; and Smart Urban Systems, as well as Technological Applications and Tech Entrepreneurship.
Organized by the NYSTAR-designated New York State Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT), CEWIT2017 is a destination for researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs, across borders and disciplines, to exchange ideas, build valuable partnerships, and bring cutting-edge technology to the marketplace. The 2017 program will feature a series of research and entrepreneurial-focused tech talks, workshops, and keynote plenaries at CEWIT's next generation research and educational facility at Stony Brook University.
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 1, 2017
More Information and to Submit Your Contribution: www.cewit.org/conference2017
Contact: 631-216-7000; conference@cewit.org
[post_title] => Call for Papers: CEWIT2017
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[post_modified] => 2017-06-28 12:43:31
[post_modified_gmt] => 2017-06-28 12:43:31
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[3] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 2708
[post_author] => 3
[post_date] => 2017-06-06 09:00:23
[post_date_gmt] => 2017-06-06 09:00:23
[post_content] => Innovative phase-0 proof-of-concept center continues advancement
of commercially promising biomedical innovations.
The Center for Biotechnology at Stony Brook University, on behalf of the Long Island Bioscience Hub (LIBH), announced the recipients of the fourth round of funded projects under the Hub’s technology development and commercialization initiative. Funding for five projects totaling $400,000 has been awarded to applicants from the Hub’s partner institutions. Partner institutions include Stony Brook University, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research at Northwell Health. Over the last two years, more than $2.5M has been awarded to further the development of commercially promising technologies.
There are two categories of awards under the LIBH funding initiative – Feasibility and Proof-of-Concept. “Feasibility awards” are funded at up to $50,000 and designed to rapidly test the feasibility of new ideas in a “fail-fast-or-proceed” format, or to add value to existing intellectual property leading to new market applications. Proof-of-Concept awards provide up to $100,000 for targeted, milestone driven support for further development, testing, and analysis of existing intellectual property.
In this cycle, two feasibility awards have been given to Stony Brook University researchers exploring technologies that include a novel anti-fungal for life threatening blood infections and a new computational method for macrocyclic drug discovery. Proof-of-Concept projects this cycle include a drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB combination therapy, a novel therapeutic for the treatment of colorectal cancer, and a next-generation medical imaging tool with applications in mammography.
“While the Long Island Bioscience Hub is only two‐years in existence, it has already had major impacts including the establishment of four companies.” said Clinton T. Rubin, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Director, Center for Biotechnology. “Additionally, this round of funding further enhances the LIBH-REACH pipeline that already has resulted in eight patent applications, five options/licenses and more than forty SBIR/STTR applications related to REACH technologies and small business clients.”
“I applaud the efforts of the Long Island Bioscience Hub as they continue to draw out the cutting edge biomedical innovations that exist within our research labs and their work with faculty innovators and the local bioscience community to accelerate commercial development.” said Dr. Richard Reeder, Vice President for Research at Stony Brook University. “Stony Brook University is deeply committed to the translation of basic research and the Hub’s successes demonstrate that we need to continue to foster the activities of the Hub.”
The technology development awards made available by the LIBH are specifically aimed at growing a pipeline of commercially promising biomedical technologies that can be out-licensed for further development or serve as the foundation for new company formations in the region. The main goal of the LIBH is to foster the development of therapeutics, preventatives, diagnostics, devices and research tools emerging from LIBH partner institutions that address diseases within the NIH’s mission.
Funded Projects –May 2017 Awards
“A Small Molecule Drug for the Treatment of Systemic Candidiasis” Nicolas Carpino, PhD and Jarrod French, Stony Brook University – Feasibility Award
“BRIKARD, a Program for Macrocyclic Drug Discovery” Evangelos Coutsias, PhD, Stony Brook University – Feasibility Award
“Selenium multi-Well Avalanche Detectors for Medical Imaging Applications” Amirhossein Goldan, PhD, Stony Brook University – Proof of Concept Award
“Developing Novel miR-129 Mimic Based Therapeutics for Colorectal Cancer” Jingfang Ju, PhD, Stony Brook University – Proof of Concept Award
“Azasteroid for Combination anti-TB Therapy” Nicole Sampson, PhD, Stony Brook University – Proof of Concept Award
Download a PDF of the press release here.
[post_title] => Long Island Bioscience Hub Announces Latest Funded Projects
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_name] => long-island-bioscience-hub-announces-latest-funded-projects
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[ID] => 4488
[post_author] => 4
[post_date] => 2024-10-24 10:45:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-24 14:45:00
[post_content] =>
Governor Kathy Hochul has unveiled plans for New York BioGenesis Park, a groundbreaking $430 million Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Innovation Hub in Nassau County, Long Island. To be developed by The Albanese Organization, Inc., this state-of-the-art facility would catalyze CGT research, development, clinical manufacturing, and commercialization across New York State. With a historic $150 million state investment—the largest nationwide for a cell and gene therapy hub—NYBGP would accelerate the delivery of new therapies from lab to patient in New York's diverse communities. This transformative hub aims to establish New York as the leading global destination for CGT innovation, driving economic growth, attracting top talent, and revolutionizing patient care statewide and beyond.
The Center for Biotechnology is thrilled to be counted as a partner in this effort, and is looking forward to working with our colleagues in the initiative to help catalyze and accelerate life-changing therapies.
New York BioGenesis Park is envisioned as a cutting-edge, full-service campus dedicated to advancing cell and gene therapies and accelerating their commercialization. At full build-out, the 700,000-square-foot park would create an end-to-end Cell and Gene Therapy innovation and supply center, featuring interconnected areas for public engagement, research, manufacturing, and collaboration.
A cornerstone of New York BioGenesis Park is its incubator, supported by a $50 million investment from ESD's Long Island Investment Fund. This facility will empower early-stage therapeutic developers by offering state-of-the-art wet lab space, shared equipment, office space, and other essential resources. This nurturing environment will provide Cell and Gene Therapy companies with access to specialized equipment, mentoring, and stage-appropriate financial guidance. As a critical component of New York BioGenesis Park, the incubator is poised to catalyze the growth of promising Cell and Gene Therapy companies by providing them with resources and support, unlocking their potential for innovation and success.
New York BioGenesis Park would foster strong ties with academic and medical institutions throughout New York, creating a robust ecosystem for Cell and Gene Therapy innovation. Collaborating with the Empire State Cellular Therapy Consortium and world-class institutions like Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the Feinstein Institutes, Northwell Health, Roswell Park, Stony Brook University, Weill Cornell, Columbia University and others around the state, New York BioGenesis Park would enhance research synergies and accelerate medical breakthroughs. This ecosystem would bring together experts in advanced Cell and Gene Therapy therapies, offering specialized facilities, services, and resources to both tenants and collaborating institutions. By facilitating cutting-edge science, innovative technology development and novel approaches to clinical trials, New York BioGenesis Park would ensure New York's institutions remain globally competitive in groundbreaking Cell and Gene Therapy research and commercialization.
Read the press release of Governor Hochul's announcement here:
[post_title] => Long Island to be location for Nation-Leading Cell and Gene Therapy Innovation Hub: New York BioGenesis Park.
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[post_name] => long-island-to-be-location-for-nation-leading-cell-and-gene-therapy-innovation-hub-new-york-biogenesis-park
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