NHLBI Exploratory Research Grant for Bioengineers

A Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) has been issued by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to encourage early-stage innovative bioengineering projects that could lead to preclinical and translational research and potential funding from federal and non-federal sources. The program is distinct from the NHLBI Catalyze Program and is focused on investigator-initiated ideas and concepts that may eventually contribute to the Catalyze pipeline.

This NOSI invites discovery- and design-driven bioengineering research ideas that are important across the Institute and critical for future hypothesis-generating projects. Notably, this program emphasizes first-generation prototype development and initial feasibility studies. The NHLBI is interested in the development of new ideas for diagnostics, therapeutics, surgical technologies, artificial intelligence/machine learning/computational modeling tools, smart biomaterials for self-adjusting implants, molecular imaging, synthetic biology, and nanotechnologies, as applied to HLBS-related issues.

First Available Due Date: February 16, 2025

Read the full NOSI and details on applying here: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-HL-24-037.html

CFB Client IAMBIC Receives $1 Million NSF SBIR Phase II Grant

CFB Client, IAMBIC has been awarded approximately $1M in grant funding from the National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research program. IAMBIC is an innovative shoe company disrupting the centuries-old footwear industry with their sizeless, precision-fit footwear driven by proprietary AI algorithms. This substantial funding from NSF enables IAMBIC to scale its cutting-edge precision-fit shoe design and manufacturing.

The Center for Biotechnology and its accelerator programs have been instrumental in assisting IAMBIC with their SBIR pursuits and commercialization development.

Read more about IAMBIC and their recent funding here.

Hack@CEWIT – Starts 3/1!

Still time to register! Registration for the 8th annual Hack@CEWIT will close March 1 at 3pm.

Join hundreds of student hackers at the Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT) for a 40-hour hackathon to learn new skills, make new connections, develop innovative ideas and compete for amazing prizes.

CEWIT will open its doors for the event at 5pm today. Do not miss your opportunity to Unleash Innovation and Transform Tomorrow

All participants must reside in the U.S and be currently registered in a college/university as an undergraduate, graduate, or PhD student.


Partnering Opportunity: VIP Forum with Otsuka

Fellow Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) DRIVe Accelerator, Life Science Washington Institute will be hosting a Venture Investment & Partnering Forum on March 15 & 16, 2023 with Otsuka. Companies within our network are invited to participate in the Plenary Session and Networking Reception (no cost to attend) and apply for the opportunity to meet with Otsuka representatives. Deadline to apply for 1:1 meetings is February 17, 2023.

Learn more and access the RSVP & Application form here: https://www.lswinstitute.org/vip-forum-otsuka-23/

Save the Date! LSS 2022

November 2-3, 2022 | Virtual

The Life Sciences Summit is an exclusive early stage investor and business development conference that highlights innovation. The objective of the event is to provide an intimate setting allowing emerging biotech companies and academic innovators to connect with the capital and strategic partners they will need to move new discoveries through clinical development.

The virtual 2022 program features thought provoking plenary sessions, presentations by promising young companies with transformative science, the “innovation pipeline” featuring academic innovators and pre-seed stage companies working on cutting edge technologies, and 1:1 networking opportunities.

View full details onlifesciencessummit.org