DEADLINE EXTENDED! NIH SBIR/STTR Commercialization Accelerator Program (CAP)

Due to a few technical difficulties, and to accommodate new and/or incoming awardees, NIH is extending the deadline to apply to their NIH Commercialization Accelerator Program (NIH CAP).

The new deadline is 11:59 p.m. PDT (Pacific) FRIDAY, September 13, 2019.

This is a cost free* customized commercialization (market readiness/growth) program. For 16 years, CAP has provided customized technical/business assistance to companies at different stages, and has a notable track record: 50 acquisitions (including companies acquired by Sony, Zoll, Bruker, BioMarin, Illumina, Takeda, Google, Roche, etc.), 10 IPOs, and more than $1B in 3rd party funding raised.

The program features:

  • world-class guidance from experienced domain professionals, including industry and technical specialists affiliated with Bayer Healthcare, Qualcomm, Baxter, Pfizer, Genetech, McKesson, Medtronic, CMS, Life Technology, etc.
  • Feedback and interaction from a range of stakeholders in the life sciences marketplace
  • Notable graduates of the CAP include: Sharklet, Lift Labs, (provide a few big and recognizable names)
  • Alumni benefit – Continued access to Larta’s network and resources post program!

*CAP participation is free of charge for program participating companies; however, participants are responsible for travel and lodging expenses associated with attending workshops and program related events.

For more details on this program, including success data, eligibility and instructions, please visit:

SBIR/STTR Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program Deadlines

The newly re-authorized Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) program is now accepting applications from previously or currently HHS-funded SBIR and STTR Phase II and Phase IIB awardees.

NHLBI open and accepting applications from NHLBI grantees for the September 5th NIH SBIR/STTR receipt date; HHS/NIH general applications will be accepted from August 5, 2019 until April 6, 2022 via standard due dates.

CPR can provide over $3 million in additional funding to facilitate the commercialization transition for projects, and support work that is not typically supported through SBIR/STTR Phase II or Phase IIB awards, including:

– Preparation of documents for a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) submission
– Development of an intellectual property strategy
– Investigational New Drug (IND)-enabling studies
– Clinical studies
– Manufacturing costs
– Regulatory assistance
– Subcontracted work to other institutions, including contract research organizations (CRO)
– A combination of services.

Although a significant amount of the work in a CRP award may be subcontracted to other institutions, the Small Business Concern (SBC) is expected to maintain oversight and management of the R&D throughout the award. Please note, this re-authorization includes (3) separate Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) with varying participating NIH Institutes and Centers. Learn more here:

CFB Announces Annual Applied Research and Development Awards

Awards support innovative research collaborations between academic faculty and regional bioscience companies.

The Center for Biotechnology at Stony Brook University has announced the recipients of the 2019-2020 Applied Research & Development (ARaD) awards. The ARaD Program is designed to help bridge the gap between the early-stage technology discovery and development capabilities of the academic community, and the later-stage commercial development interests of the bioscience industry.

The program currently provides matching funds on a competitive basis to support collaborations between Stony Brook University faculty and New York State corporate partners in all areas of medical biotechnology. The primary interest is in supporting development of technologies that will help companies hit commercially relevant milestones, and that have the potential to positively impact the New York State economy.

Projects supported this year include the further development of an Intensive Care Unit temporary pacemaker, a novel material platform to improve extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMOs) in heart-lung machines, further development of skin brightening agents, and a novel therapeutic to treat Lung Cancer.

“Through our participation in the Applied Research and Development Program at the Center for Biotechnology, we have been able to access the expertise of Dr. Wei Lin in the Department of Biomedical Engineering to collaborate on strategic research projects” stated Linda Towler, CEO of Avery Biomedical Devices, a global leader in high reliability diaphragm pacemakers. “This research and development collaboration has allowed us to considerably accelerate our product development and we expect it to generate significant new revenue for the company downstream.”

“The Center for Biotechnology is thrilled to be able to continue to collaborate with New York State companies to help them develop commercially promising technologies that will lead to strategic partnerships, investment, corporate revenues, and job creation” said Diane Fabel, Director of Operations for the Center for Biotechnology. “The projects supported by this year’s Applied Research and Development awards exemplify the innovative science happening all around us both in our academic institutions and bioscience companies. The Center for Biotechnology is excited to be an engine promoting interactions between the two to help fuel the overall bioscience ecosystem in the region.”

The ARaD Program is part of a suite of programs and services provided by the Center for Biotechnology (CFB) focused on accelerating the development of biomedical technologies in order to have a positive impact on human health and society.

2019-2020 Applied Research and Development Awards

“Temporary Pacemaker” Avery Biomedical Devices & Dr. Wei Lin, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Stony Brook University

“c-VACNT material bio-interaction studies” CVD Equipment Corporation & Dr. Srinivas Pentyala, Professor and Director of Translational Research, Anesthesiology, Stony Brook Medical Center

“Evaluation of Hydrogenated Curcumins as Skin Brightening Agents with Novel Antimelanogenic and Antioxidant” BioCogent, LLC & Dr. Sandford Simon, Professor, Biochemistrty & Cell Biology and Pathology, Stony Brook University

“Evaluation of small molecule Bax activators in mouse models of lung cancer” PHD Biosciences & Dr. Thomas Zimmerman, Assistant Professor, Director, Division of Laboratory Animal Resources, Stony Brook University; Attending Veterinarian, Brookhaven National Laboratory; Attending Veterinarian, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Click here for PDF version of announcement. 

Alda Center Workshop for SBU Researchers

Stony Brook University faculty researchers and graduate students involved in research may sign up for a free, 1-day workshop from 8:30-5 on either Aug. 12 or Aug. 15 with the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science. Workshops are highly interactive and participants must stay the full day.

Alda Center workshops empower researchers to communicate their work clearly and vividly to all audiences. The Alda Center has worked with leading researchers from Yale, NASA, and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and many others.

SBU reserachers may register via this link:

NIH/CDC SBIR Contract Solicitation Now Available

The NIH and CDC have released the annual SBIR Contract Proposal Solicitation (PHS 2020-1), with a submission date of October 23, 2019, 5:00 PM EDT. Please follow the directions in the solicitation very carefully. You must respond exactly to a topic in the solicitation.

A pre-proposal conference, via webinar, will take place on August 7 at 1:00 PM EDT. This informational webinar will discuss the PHS 2020-1 solicitation, electronic contract proposal submission (eCPS) website, clinical trials, and topics.

Please register for HHS SBIR PHS 2020-1 Contract Webinar in advance, here:

(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.)

The following Institutes/Centers have issued research topics in the PHS 2020-1 Solicitation:

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  • National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  • National Center for Chronic Disease and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)
  • National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)
  • National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)
  • National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)

Submission Process: There is an electronic submission process for all proposals. Applicants must use the Contract Proposal Submission (eCPS) website to submit their proposal. No other method of proposal submission is permitted. Instructions for electronic submission are provided in the solicitation.

Please check NOT-OD-19-121 for topics, contracting officer contact information and other details. You can also find the SBIR contract solicitation link on theFunding page and FedBizOpps.

Those interested in the PHS small business research GRANT programs, where investigator-initiated research ideas are encouraged, should use the Omnibus SBIR and STTR solicitations. You can find solicitation links on the Funding page. To understand better the differences between grants and contracts, view the Apply page.