WHO WE ARE Mission & History


To develop bioscience innovations into next-generation biomedical products, facilitate new company formation and expansion, and support the overall growth of the bioscience industry in New York State through specific programmatic offerings and the development of bioscience-specific business infrastructure.


To catalyze and support the formation of vibrant, globally relevant bioscience industry clusters that build upon the innovation capacity of New York State to fuel economic growth.


For more than thirty years, the Center has continued to evolve, serving as an important catalyst in the development of new technologies and emerging companies in New York State. As we move into our fourth decade serving the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and biomedical communities, the Center for Biotechnology will continue to focus on accelerating the translation of biomedical research into products that will positively affect human health. We will remain focused on our work with pre-seed and emerging companies, to ensure they have the tools and expertise they need to continue to grow and thrive in the marketplace, and thus have a positive economic impact within the community. We will also continue to work towards making sure that the next generation of industry leaders is prepared for their roles and understand the diverse landscape involved in turning an idea into a reality.